Saturday, November 29, 2008

Make New Friends

In verse 12 of chapter 14, contains one of those messages that really makes following Jesus so challenging. He tells us that we should invite the poor, crippled, lame and the blind over for dinner instead of our friends and relatives. My human nature cries out! Can’t I just donate some money? Or pray for them? C’mon God, my house full of cripples? Along with forgiveness, this is the other edict that helps to create that narrow door to heaven.

To meet Jesus at this juncture of His word, I started reaching out and tried striking up a friendship with the less fortunate, invited them over for dinner and introduced them to friends. My wife and I help to support a young lady who is challenged and it has been very rewarding. In fact we were all set to provide her with a car until we found out that she didn’t have a license and was unlikely to ever get one in the future. We still laugh over that one.

We had a special offering for a missionary the other night at our Sunday service and as Susan and I were going up to leave our money in the basket, we recognized our challenged friend ahead of us with her offering in hand. It felt great to see God work in her and our life.

God finishes up with verse 14 saying that God will rewards us for giving to those who cannot repay us. I wonder if I should send this verse to my mortgage company? I don’t think they would get it or care.

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